More About Birds


Learn More About Birds

All About Birds: This the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s go-to website, where you will find specific details about birds you can encounter throughout North America. It functions like an online encyclopedia about birds.

American Bird Conservancy: This national organization sponsors research to increase understanding of birds and their habitats and advocates for bird conservation. They publish information online and in their magazine about issues affecting birds.

Following Migration Progress

American Bird Conservancy: ABC posts on their blog during spring and fall migrations.

Birdcast: Starting in early March, this dynamic website uses daily weather conditions to forecast overnight migrations. Powered by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Colorado State University, and University of Massachusetts Amherst.

BirdNote: This two-minute radio program combines rich natural sounds with engaging stories to illustrate the amazing lives of birds.

Feeding Birds

National Audubon Society: An informative website with content about feeding and responsibly caring for wild birds.

Project FeederWatch: Anyone can put up a bird feeder. Project FeederWatch is the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s project to make bird watching accessible to everyone. Along the way, participants gain a better understanding of the birds that visit their backyard, how birds are responding to the changing climate by shifting their range, and how to prevent the spread of disease in wild birds. Libby Moore’s family participated in Project FeederWatch for years, and it inspired the characters in The River of Birds.

Birdlife International (for Europeans): The LIVE EuroBirdPortal (EBP) viewer features weekly animated maps showing where birds have been sighted in real time. See their map of global bird migration flyways here.